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Principle Scientist (SiC Power Device Integration Lead),(SiC), IME
- 2024-11-28
Principle Scientist (SiC Power Device Integration Lead),(SiC), IME
IMEA*Star is currently working on establishing a hybrid fabricationplatform for 150mm & 200mm Silicon Carbide (SiC) power MOSFETsas part of the new SiC R&D program. The main objective of thisprogram is to advance 200mm SiC technologies in various areas, suchas epitaxy, device design, process integration for various types ofpower MOSFETs and power module packaging. The ultimate aim is todrive disruptive innovations in power device research, with aspecific focus on >1.7KV power MOSFETs. These innovations willhave significant applications in enhancing automotive technologies,vehicle electrification, safety measures, sustainable energy grids,data centers, and industrial & aerospace automation. Keyaspects for this deputy lead for wide-bandgap device integrationrole include the development and integration of several modules,such as gate oxidation, implantation, implant activation, layoutdesign verification, lithography, ohmic contact formation etc areessential. We are actively looking for individual with extensiveindustry experience in device physics and process integration tojoin our team. The candidate will contribute to processintegration, device layout design, design verification, E-test andmodule process related data analysis, yield enhancement, and devicephysics.
•To lead development of SiC power technologies, serving as bothfront and back-end process integration in collaboration withadvanced module development team. And aim
to grow thisteam to ~10 headcounts in the next 3 years.
•Optimize and customize process flows for individual SiCproducts
• Identify and resolve processintegration issues and related problems
•Develop specific or derivative processes to meet customerneeds
• Support new designs by conducting modulecharacterization and developing effective designrules
• Define and implement measures to enhancestability, yield, reliability, and reduce development costs &time
• Plan and implement sustainable correctiveactions to address process deviations
•Continuously monitor and utilize expertise in process and equipmentcapabilities to achieve optimal deviceperformance
• Determine the correct andeffective way to deliver processes, functional devices, and otheritems to multiple customers
• Perform projectmanagement tasks and conduct dataanalysis
•MS/PhD Degree in Electrical Engineering or relatedfield
• >3 years industrial experience forMOSFET process integration and device Physics
•Highly proactive, self-motivated, and results-oriented professionalwith the ability to make efficient contributions to and leadtechnical discussions
• Extensive expertise inmaterial and process integration
• Comprehensiveunderstanding of semiconductor materials and MOSFET devicephysics
• Proficient in teaching and knowledgetransfer to junior staff members
• Strongcommunication skills to effectively convey information aboutprocess module integration for device fabrication and withcustomers
• Excellent analytical skills forinterpreting process and device data; combined with strongpresentation abilities.
IMEA*Star is currently working on establishing a hybrid fabricationplatform for 150mm & 200mm Silicon Carbide (SiC) power MOSFETsas part of the new SiC R&D program. The main objective of thisprogram is to advance 200mm SiC technologies in various areas, suchas epitaxy, device design, process integration for various types ofpower MOSFETs and power module packaging. The ultimate aim is todrive disruptive innovations in power device research, with aspecific focus on >1.7KV power MOSFETs. These innovations willhave significant applications in enhancing automotive technologies,vehicle electrification, safety measures, sustainable energy grids,data centers, and industrial & aerospace automation. Keyaspects for this deputy lead for wide-bandgap device integrationrole include the development and integration of several modules,such as gate oxidation, implantation, implant activation, layoutdesign verification, lithography, ohmic contact formation etc areessential. We are actively looking for individual with extensiveindustry experience in device physics and process integration tojoin our team. The candidate will contribute to processintegration, device layout design, design verification, E-test andmodule process related data analysis, yield enhancement, and devicephysics.
•To lead development of SiC power technologies, serving as bothfront and back-end process integration in collaboration withadvanced module development team. And aim
to grow thisteam to ~10 headcounts in the next 3 years.
•Optimize and customize process flows for individual SiCproducts
• Identify and resolve processintegration issues and related problems
•Develop specific or derivative processes to meet customerneeds
• Support new designs by conducting modulecharacterization and developing effective designrules
• Define and implement measures to enhancestability, yield, reliability, and reduce development costs &time
• Plan and implement sustainable correctiveactions to address process deviations
•Continuously monitor and utilize expertise in process and equipmentcapabilities to achieve optimal deviceperformance
• Determine the correct andeffective way to deliver processes, functional devices, and otheritems to multiple customers
• Perform projectmanagement tasks and conduct dataanalysis
•MS/PhD Degree in Electrical Engineering or relatedfield
• >3 years industrial experience forMOSFET process integration and device Physics
•Highly proactive, self-motivated, and results-oriented professionalwith the ability to make efficient contributions to and leadtechnical discussions
• Extensive expertise inmaterial and process integration
• Comprehensiveunderstanding of semiconductor materials and MOSFET devicephysics
• Proficient in teaching and knowledgetransfer to junior staff members
• Strongcommunication skills to effectively convey information aboutprocess module integration for device fabrication and withcustomers
• Excellent analytical skills forinterpreting process and device data; combined with strongpresentation abilities.
A*star Research Entities
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